
Education Department Opens Matric Rewrite Registrations

Recently the deadline for matric rewrites for the May/June 2022 examinations closed. However, the Department of Basic Education (DBE) has opened registrations for the November NSC examinations.


Education Department Opens Matric Rewrite Registrations

The deadline for both Senior and National Senior Certificate has finally closed after two extensions to its deadlines.

If you have missed that opportunity and happen to fall under the category of NSC candidate, November NSC exam registrations are open and will close on 15 March 2022.


This has been announced by the DBE on its official Twitter social media account.

To read further, click here.

Who is eligible to write the National Senior Certificate examination?

  • Current Grade 12 learners
  • Anyone who wants to improve on their previous NSC results and who is still an NSC candidate (i.e. has not had their certificate changed to SC) may register as a part-time candidate for the NSC examinations.

The minimum requirements needed to obtain a National Senior Certificate are as follows:

  • Achieve 40% in three subjects, one of which is an official language at Home Language level and 30% in three subjects.
  • Provide full evidence in the SBA component in the subjects offered.

Candidates who had their examination results withheld due to irregularities have the right to appeal.

Additionally, they can enquire, preferably in writing, and request the reasons for the withholding of their results and may also contact the district office or their school for assistance.

As Senior Certificate exams are only written in May/June, SC candidates who missed this deadline may register for the 2023 May/June SC from 1 October 2022 until 31 January 2023.


Candidates have been advised to visit the nearest office of the Department of Education in their area to enquire about results or make any other examination-related enquiries.

Read Also:

Deadline For Matric Exam Rewrite Extended

Matric Rewrite | What You Can Do If You Are Not Qualified

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