
Mangosuthu University of Technology, MUT Prospectus 2022 – PDF Download

 MUT Prospectus 2022 – PDF Download: The Mangosuthu University of Technology has officially released the 2022 prospectus for undergraduate, Post-graduate and international students for download in a PDF format.


If you are a student at The  Mangosuthu University of Technology please read this article carefully and download your needed prospectus.

 The prospectus contains the list of courses, admission requirements and all admission application information to guide you through the  Mangosuthu University of Technology admission process.

 MUT Prospectus
MUT Prospectus

The Mangosuthu University of Technology Prospectus is what you need to ascertain any admission or application information of the institution. The Prospectus contains all the information a prospective student needs to become a fully admitted student of the university.

 MUT Prospectus
MUT Campus


The MUT prospectus 2022 has been successfully uploaded online and can be downloaded below for free in PDF.

The Prospectus below has different categories base on the kind of student you are, please download or view the one that is related to you.

Click on the link below to download the prospectus in PDF format or view it online.



If the is any other added information you need or probably you are not satisfied with the information provided by the prospectus above Please visit the school official website below:


Tell: 031 907 7111

Email: [email protected]

School Address: 511 Mangosuthu Highway, Umlazi, KwaZulu-Natal,4031  OR
511 Griffiths Mxenge Highway, Umlazi, KwaZulu-Natal,4031.


You can check the school Contact info Here.

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