National Benchmark Tests (NBTs) UCT

National Benchmark Test (NBT) UCT

The NBT is a test used for first-year applicants to higher education institutions. The test is designed to measure your ability to transfer understanding of language skills, numerical skills and Mathematics to the demands of higher education coursework. This UCT-developed test provides additional insight into the candidate’s verbal and quantitative abilities. Kindly read more details […]

NBTs Test Dates For 2022
Exams Date

NBTs Test Dates For 2022

Are you writing the National Benchmark Test (NBT) examinations this year? Here are the NBTs test dates for 2022. The National Benchmark Test (NBT) is an examination which is set up by the National Benchmark Test Project. It is a set of tests which are used to assess a learner’s academic literacy, general knowledge, and mathematical […]

What Is the Meaning of My NBT Results?

What Is the Meaning of My NBT Results?

If you checked or received your NBT Results and you don’t know what it means, read this article carefully and know the interpretation of your  NBT Results. The National Benchmark Test (NBT) is an examination which is set up by the National Benchmark Test Project. It is a set of tests which are used to […]


Difference Between The NSC and NBT

In this article, you will see The Difference Between The NSC and NBT and know the meaning of NSC and NBT. Kindly read details beow. The National Senior Certificate and the National Benchmark Test are both used as means to access education at higher learning institutions, but they perform different functions. Here’s the difference between […]