What Does Debtor SASSA SRD Grant Status Means?

If your question is What Does Debtor SASSA SRD Grant Status Means? then read this article and find out what it means and what you need to do.


Some applicants of the ongoing reinstated SRD Grant were shocked when they checked their status and saw the reason for the decline as “debtor”.

What Does Debtor SASSA SRD Grant Status Means?

Debt to who and for what? Upon further investigation and correspondence with SASSA, it came to light that, these applicants have an issue with SASSA.


What Does Debtor SASSA SRD Grant Status Means?

According to the explanation given by SASSA regarding this debtor status for the unemployment grant of R350, those who see this on their status owe SASSA.

In what sense do they owe SASSA? someone may ask

After the disbursement of funds in the previous SRD R350 grants payments, auditors went through the payment documentations of SASSA, as it is usually done in government institutions and agencies.


It was there that the revelation came that some applicants did not deserve to be paid the grant because they did not qualify in the first place.

Due to this, applicants who were captured in that net and reapplied in the reinstated SRD R350 grants cannot be approved and paid again unless they pay off the previous grants paid to them before their current application can be considered.

What to do if Your status Says Debtor in SASSA SRD Grants

If you are among such applicants the best thing you can do now is to apply for reconsideration or appeal using the website link. which is explained in detail on the link SASSA reconsideration status check


You can as well contact sassa on 0800601011 toll free number and ask them the exact reason behind their termination of your application and what was issue with your previous application that made you not to qualify after payments were made months ago.

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